Mail Delivery: North, South, East, West
Fine Arts Collection
U.S. General Services Administration
Four sculptures, symbols of the scope of mail services. In each relief the sculptor has made effective use of local dress and indigenous flora.
North - Inuit man facing left, wearing hooded coat, leggings and boots, bent against the wind, is behind two sled dogs; two leafless trees in background.
South - Two palm trees background, full figured man naked to waist and barefoot, facing right, carrying package in left hand and with sack slung over right shoulder, bent against weight of packages, faces mailbox at right. Pineapple beneath mailbox and bunches of bananas in background.
East - Uniformed mailman facing left on city street, mail bag on his left shoulder, partial front end of car in front of him. Mailbox behind car. Leaves and trunk of tree to right.
West - Full figured man bending toward right, Stetson in his right hand, hand on hip; wearing chaps and cowboy boots, bandana around his neck. Mailbox at right, behind cacti. Two large cacti in background. Package underneath mailman's left foot.